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The National Voter’s Day was celebrated on 25th January of every year since 2011, all across the country to mark the foundation day of election commission of India,i.e. 25th January 1950. The theme of National Voter’s Day 2023 is “Making elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative”. In our college voters day was celebrated by organizing the voters’ awareness campaign. Before starting the campaign Dr. Vishalakshi.K.K, Principal gave speech on the significance of the day. All the students of 2nd year B.Ed. and Faculties took part in the voters awareness campaign by carrying play cards and raising slogans on the importance of voting. Main objective of the campaign was to create awareness among voters about the need of voting and not falling prey to the enticements offered by political parties. It also focused on the Right to Vote as the basic right & sensitize the youths and citizens to vote responsibly for a better tomorrow. Campaign also emphasized on how voting in election helps citizens ensure that the country is granted better right and protection. Voting helps in keeping politicians accountable for their actions and creates the framework for our democracy.

Campaign started from college campus and moves around the Kuvempunagar via Kuvempunagar Complex, Nrupatunga Road, Vivekanandanagar Road and finally ended in the college. The pledge was undertaken by all lectures, staff members and the students to motivate young voters to exercise their privilege to cast a vote in free and fair elections in a free democratic country.