About Science Club 2022 - 23
Science clubs is an organization to help the students in developing scientific attitude and genuine interest in science. It supplements class room work and laboratory. Science club provides an opportunity to understand great mysteries through various science related activities. Science club becomes a platform for the students to engage science as a career in the future life.
Structure of the Club
Ex-officio President
Dr. Vishalakshi. K. K - Principal
Dr. Selvakumar S - Asst. Professor
Club Office Bearers
1. PrathibhaGopi
2. Shravyashree K S
3. Pooja E S
1. Yathish K S
2. Chandan B U
3. Dharshini
4. Lakshmi C N
5. Sanjana H S
6. HeenaJabin
7. Gowthami P
8. Ramesha M
9. Sindhushree K G
10. Bindushree
11. Priyanka M
12. Yashashvini
13. Kavya M
14. Pallavi
15. Arjun B K